Early Scent Introduction for Neonate Puppies

Neonatal puppies, from 3 to 16 days of age, are ready and able to smell their world. You can take advantage of this to improve their adult scenting ability by doing Early Scent Introduction with your litter. It’s easy! All you need 13 unique scents and 5 seconds per puppy per day. It’s fun! Watching your pups fall in love or out of love with a smell is a hoot.
Watch this video to see how and why to try ESI, then download the handout below and get started!
We have been doing and teaching Early Scent Introduction for fifteen years with tremendous results!
ESI has contributed to our dogs’ successes in hunt tests and field trials, nosework, search and rescue work, obedience, tracking and more. One of our dogs holds the record for the youngest golden retriever to pass the Variable Surface Tracking test at only 16 months of age. Most recently, we were selected as the AKC Breeder of the Year for Tracking.
Other breeders are having equally good results with their pups, resulting in excellent performance as Search and Rescue and detection dogs, as well as speed and confidence in every sport involving scenting, from nosework to barn hunt. Pet puppies also benefit from this simple stimulation and many breeders said they have seen improvements in confidence and stability in their pet and service dogs.
Research in dogs shows that scent work has an additional benefit for our dogs. Dogs that are taught and engage in scenting have a more optimistic attitude toward life and with that, fewer behavior problems. Check out our blog on this research here.
Give ESI a try with your puppies and see how powerful it can be.
To help you do so, I have created a FREE handout that gives you the step-by-step instructions and a chart for logging your litter’s reactions. Don’t judge your pups by their reactions, just enjoy the response from these littlest dogs.
Have a great time introducing your puppies to the world of exciting scents!